We've long been running two businesses under one brand. We recently encountered a trademarking issue--a "thistle" so to speak and a pain point we can do nothing about (legally). But we are using it as an opportunity to make a clear distinction between our two businesses by giving each of them their own unique name. EdenThistle Dog Company will now carry on our original name, as an ode to the the roots of sustainable farming that afforded us vision to care for dogs in the same pastures that brought us so much goodness.
What was once EdenThistle Land Stewardship is transforming into its new and elevated identity: Farmer & Thistle. We are so excited about it all.
Farmer & Thistle will offer our Grassfed Meat and Egg selections for local delivery; ship our beloved Dog Treats all over the nation; and soon, a forthcoming Ritual Collection will be added to our store (more to come about this soon).
Our new name, Farmer & Thistle, is an ode both to the life of sustainable farming that still has its deep impressions running through us. And, it is an ode to our beautiful bloodhound, Farmer. Though he is no longer with us, his imprint is. He will remain our Ebeanzer–our stone of help–to dig into the mess and the beauty, to cultivate rituals of rest, life and love–knowing that we too have an imprint to leave. Thank you for being along for the ride with us!
With Deep Gratitude,
Katherine & Marshall